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ProAct Link is the link between your business and your employees for the reporting of fraud and unacceptable behaviour in the workplace

ProAct Link is an independent and external whistleblowing hotline service operated by Pro Active Strategies Pty Ltd who have been a trusted partner to businesses in Australia and New Zealand for over 20 years.


The Hotline provides an alternative reporting mechanism for employees who are challenged with reporting concerns directly to their employer, or wish to report anonymously, and is a necessary component in an effective corporate governance program.


Our whistleblower hotline service provides a solution that ensures your business is compliant with the Australian Whistleblower laws that come into effect on 1st July 2019.



The Hotline provides for reporting of any conduct that the caller considers to be ‘unacceptable behaviour’.

This broad term is used to deliberately include various forms of misconduct so as not to restrict the information flow. 

Our cost effective programs are particularly suited to multi-site organisations that require a Hotline service to be available to employees in diverse locations and time zones.


Importantly, callers are responded to by experienced investigators as opposed to call centre personnel, to ensure that vital information is obtained and that callers experience the sensitivity and professionalism required.

Hotline subscription includes:
  • Review of your Whistleblower Policy
  • Training tools for implementation
  • Hotline posters for your workplaces
  • All contact with callers
  • Reporting to nominated company contacts
  • Quarterly activity reports

Australia’s New
Whistleblower Legislation


Australian Whistleblower laws updated and enacted in early 2019 will come into effect on 1 July 2019 and will require that all corporate, financial and credit sectors as well as ‘Regulated Entities’ comply with the Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Act 2019.


Who does the legislation apply to?


‘Regulated Entities’ will be required to have a Whistleblower policy and an external whistleblower hotline in place by 31 December 2019.


Regulated Entities are –

Public companies and large private companies who have at least two of the following criteria –

  • Have more than 50 employees within the company and the entities it controls

  • Consolidated revenue of at least $25 million

  • Consolidated gross assets of at least $12.5 million


When do we need to be compliant?


From 6 months after the commencement of the new laws on 1 July 2019, public companies and large proprietary companies must have a whistleblower policy which meets the requirements and is made available to officers and employees of the company.

Therefore, the date for compliance is 1st January 2020.


What do I need to do?


Create and apply a Whistleblower policy and implement an external whistleblower hotline


How do I put these 2 requirements in place?


Contact us and we will work with you efficiently and cost effectively to –


  1. Develop a Whistleblower policy or update your existing policy to be compliant

  2. Implement ProAct Link external Whistleblower hotline (including implementation/training tools)

Contact Us

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