A Whistleblowing Hotline and online reporting service that meets the functionality & compliance needs of your organisation and is easy for your employees to use.
If you're an employer
ProAct Link is the link between your business and your employees for the disclosing of Reportable Conduct & unacceptable behaviour in the workplace.
Our Whistleblower hotline service provides a cost effective solution that ensures your business is compliant with the Australian & New Zealand Whistleblower laws.
If you're an employee
ProAct Link is s a trusted external alternative for you to report Reportable Conduct & unacceptable behaviour to your employer.
You can choose to:
Report anonymously
Include your contact details to speak to an experienced investigator
upload documents on the online reporting function
An important component of managing the risks of Reportable Conduct and other unacceptable behaviour is having an accessible and trusted alternative reporting channel for employees to confidently report concerns, as well as backup expertise to guide your response
We know from experience that when an employee makes a whistleblowing report, it’s most often a stressful and emotionally charged experience.
They know they want to tell someone about what they have experienced, witnessed, or believe, however they can be fearful and suspicious of the process and how they will be protected from repercussions.
Additionally, disclosers often haven’t considered the specific information a business needs to be able to successfully respond and investigate further, which is why the first contact needs to be with an investigator who can elicit the required facts and details.
We build trust by having one point of contact so the caller only has to tell their story once and not go through a call centre process.
The investigator that responds to their call will be their ongoing single point of contact.
By making the experience easier and more personal, ideally reporting will increase and you will identify risk faster.
How it Works
Employees call, report online, or email
Their call will be responded to by an independent, experienced and empathetic investigator (former police detectives with decades of business investigation experience) who will continue to be their direct contact
Their online report will be reviewed and where contact details are provided, will be followed up by an investigator
A report is compiled and forwarded to the nominated company contacts within hours
We are available to provide advice and assistance to guide your response
We are also available to provide external investigation services where required
The Difference
Callers will not have to go through a call centre
Callers will only have to tell their story once – to an experienced and empathetic investigator
Callers can use us as a sounding board to discuss their options regarding various reporting methods and next steps
Our investigators have vast experience in working with employees who have information to disclose
We understand the evidence requirements of both criminal and civil courts as well as industrial and other tribunals
We have decades of experience in investigating all types of unacceptable workplace conduct & workplace grievances, so we’ll elicit maximum information to allow you to investigate further and respond

As one of the original providers of Whistleblowing programs in Australia and New Zealand, our experience over 20 years ensures that we can provide expert and confidential solutions to the vast array of compliance, corporate governance and ethical challenges encountered by the business sector.
The Hotline provides an alternative reporting mechanism for employees who are challenged with reporting concerns directly to their employer, or wish to report anonymously, and is a necessary component in an effective corporate governance program.
Callers are responded to by experienced investigators (not call centre operators) to ensure that vital information is obtained and that callers experience the sensitivity and professionalism required.
Reports can be made regarding any 'Unacceptable behaviour', which can include - dishonesty, fraud, malpractice and corruption, bullying & harassment, discrimination, personal grievances, misconduct, business abuse & unsafe work practices.
As experienced investigators, we can also assist in conducting or advising on investigations that result from reports.
Pro Act Link operates in Australia and New Zealand and reports can be made by phone, email or online report, with confidentiality and anonymity assured.
Renata Ringin
Managing Director

As a former Victoria Police Detective and with over 30 years’ experience in law enforcement, security & risk management and investigations Renata is able to quickly adapt to the culture of an organization and work effectively with management in the successful implementation of a Whistleblower hotline and response to resulting investigations.
Renata has had the opportunity of working with in excess of 450 organizations across all sectors, gaining extensive and valuable experience in a wide range of industries and workplace cultures.
Renata has experience in board advisory, having been a member of the board of Crimestoppers NSW.
As an investigator, Renata specialises in investigations into dishonesty conduct and bullying & harassment cases.
Renata has an empathetic approach to dealing with witnesses and whistle-blower’s that ensures they are comfortable in the reporting process, and that the facts and evidence necessary to respond to reports successfully is obtained.
Renata has expertise in policy development, and development & delivery of education programs and has been a lecturer at RMIT University in Security Management.
Shane Ringin
General Manager

As a former Victoria Police Detective and senior manager in the Major Fraud Group, and with over 30 years’ experience in law enforcement, risk management, and corporate investigations Shane assists clients in the prevention, detection and investigation of corporate delinquency and fraud.
Shane is a Certified Fraud Investigator, and has lectured in fraud and deception at the Victoria Police Detective Training School and Economic Crime Course, as well as conducting numerous corporate fraud training seminars throughout Asia, Middle East, Europe, New Zealand and Australia.
As an investigator, Shane specialises in corporate fraud, and is adept at detangling complex fraud cases to ensure that required evidence is obtained so as to be able to be used to support criminal and civil proceedings.